Aceh Regional Police Investigates Allegations Of IDR 20 Billion In Clothing Company Investments

BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Police are investigating allegations of fraudulent investments that were allegedly carried out by a clothing sales company. The value reaches IDR 20 billion.

Head of the Aceh Regional Police Public Relations Division, Winardy, said that the investigation of the alleged fraudulent investment has been upgraded to the investigation stage.

"This case is already in the investigation stage, but investigators have yet to determine a suspect. The company, in this case, is Yalsa Boutique, selling Muslim clothing," said Winardy as quoted by Antara, Monday, February 22.

He said that in this case the owner of the company with the initials Y collected public funds without permission from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) or Bank Indonesia.

The number of funds that have been raised, said Winardy, reached IDR 20 billion. The funds were collected from 3,755 people with investments ranging from IDR 500 thousand to tens of millions of rupiah.

"In this case, the owner of Yalsa Boutique took a person called a reseller. Reseller recruits members for investment. Resellers are 225 people and members reach 3,755 people", said Winardy.

He said each member was promised a profit from selling clothes ranging from 30 percent to 50 percent. However, on the way, the business owner stopped the deposit and stated that everything that had been paid was forfeited.

In this case, investigators have already examined a number of people, both company owners, and staff. Investigators have also confiscated three cars and house and company documents.

According to the police, the criminal act of alleged fraudulent investment can be charged with Law Number 7 of 1992 as amended by Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking, as well as being charged with Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering or TPPU.

"We urge people who invest in the company to report immediately, in order to make it easier for investigators to thoroughly investigate the case", said Winardy.