The Commercialization Of Dreams Kinds Of Inception May Come True After Recent Research On The Lucid Dream

JAKARTA - For the first time, someone who is experiencing a lucid dream is communicating in two directions with the outside world. This activity was carried out in a study, between scientists and volunteers.

Scientists from Northwestern University and a number of institutions in Europe chat with lucid dream volunteers. The communication is done in real-time or real-time.

Reported Motherboard, not only chatting, scientists also asking questions. And the volunteers who were in the middle of a lucid dream gave answers in the form of certain eye movements.

Scientists call this an unusually important development. These findings could help scientists reach new levels of insight into the structure and content of lucid dreams.

And even more visionary, this research will break through new frontiers for technology, entertainment, and even the commercialization of dreams. Like the film Inception, this result is illustrated.

Two blinks

Lucid dreams are a psychological oddity that has long caught the attention of scientists. In the film, we can find this phenomenon depicted in the film Inception and The Matrix.

"There is research on lucid dream dreamers communicating beyond dreams and also remembering to perform tasks," said Northwestern lead author and researcher Karen Konkoly.

"But there is very little research into the stimuli that go into lucid dreams," he added.

The lucid dream volunteers in the study, published in the journal Current Biology, were able to communicate with scientists through eye movements. They show the reaction when responding to questions, even math problems.

Sound in a dream

Lucid dream volunteers reported hearing the researchers' voice like a disembodied narrator. They identified it clearly as something that came from outside their dream.

The study also recorded an accurate percentage that scientists were able to communicate accurately with dreamers up to 18 percent. The other 20 percent produced incoherent responses.

This shows that at least some form of communication is taking place. "It's amazing sitting in the lab and asking lots of questions, and then someone might actually answer them," Konkoly said.

"This is a type of experiment that is immediately useful to do. You don't have to wait to analyze your data or anything like that. You can see it there while they are still sleeping, "he added.