KPU Announces 63 Survey Institutions Registered In The 2024 Election, Here's The List

The General Elections Commission (KPU) explained 63 survey institutions registered in the 2024 General Election. This number has been recorded since August 21, 2023 or after the issuance of KPU Decree Number 1035 of 2023.

The KPU Decree Number 1035 of 2023 concerning Technical Guidelines for Registration of Survey Institutions or Opinions and Fast Calculation of Election Results in 2024 states that institutions are announced and registered no later than 30 days before voting.

"The survey institutions that registered for the first time were recorded on August 21, 2023 or five days after the KPU Decree Number 1035 of 2023 was determined," said the Coordinator of the Socialization Division for Voters and Community Participation of the Indonesian KPU August Mellaz as quoted from his written statement, Saturday, January 13.

August said survey institutions must comply with the provisions stipulated by KPU Regulation Number 9 of 2022 concerning Community Participation in General Elections and Elections for Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, and/or Mayors and Deputy Mayors. Thus, they can get legitimacy as a form of community participation in political contestation.

Currently, of the 63 survey institutions that have registered, 33 have registered their status and the certificate is published. While the remaining 26 institutions are still complete and are still in the process of issuing certificates, and 4 are still making improvements and completing documents.

"The KPU will issue a certificate for survey institutions or polls that have met the requirements in question," said August.

The following are the details of the registered survey institutions: