BPBD: 6 Thousand Riau Residents Refuge Due To Floods

PeKANBARU - Riau Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that at least 6,000 residents from a number of areas in the province had been displaced due to their houses, land, and places of business being affected by flooding since the last few weeks.

"Those who fled came from Rokan Hilir Regency, Meranti Islands and Dumai City. Meanwhile, residents from other districts and cities affected by the flood have not been recorded as having fled," said Head of BPBD Riau M. Edy Afrizal as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 13.

Edya Afrizal said the number of flood victims in the displaced Riau Province continues to grow and the number of residents of the province who have been displaced due to the flood has reached 6,467 people.

The district with the highest number of refugees is Rokan Hilir Regency, which is 3,992 residents because their houses were flooded.

"In Meranti Islands Regency, there were 2,240 people who were displaced due to flooding. In Bengkalis Regency there are 191 people and in Dumai City 44 people. We are sorry, because the flood resulted in four deaths. A total of 4,686 families (KK) or 18,744 people of Riau were affected," he said.

Floods inundated thousands of housing units and public facilities, such as roads, mosques and schools. 29 equivalent high schools in Riau closed their students, because classrooms were submerged, as well as for elementary schools.

The Riau Province BPBD has evacuated residents, distributed logistical assistance, such as rice, sugar, sardines, blankets, sarongs, mineral water. Then, establish a public kitchen and evacuation posts.

Riau BPBD, he said, had also submitted a request for assistance to the center, hopefully it could be processed immediately. In addition, the central government has also assisted in preparedness in the regions, such as blankets and logistics.

"Parents should continue to control children who play in stagnant water and the swift flow of water, which is at risk of being swept away by the current due to flooding, becomes an attraction for children to play," said Edy.