Marcell Siahaan Affirms LMKN Is Working To Build A National Music Ecosystem, Not A Group

JAKARTA - Marcell Siahaan as the Commissioner of the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) stated that his party works according to the mandate of Law No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright to build a national music ecosystem for the better.

"As a commissioner of LMKN, I have already said, I am firm and upright with the law. And indeed the purpose of this Copyright Law is to build an ecosystem, for the sake of Indonesia's macro creativity," Marcell Siahaan told the media crew in Kuningan, South Jakarta on Wednesday, January 10.

"There is a principle of justice, there is a principle of legal certainty, there is a principle of benefit. And we all know that this law is the result of the ratification of international conventions for intellectual property," he continued.

Marcell said LMKN works with a system that prioritizes the benefit of the national music ecosystem.

"How to prioritize a system that can also maintain the benefit of the ecosystem, not for one or two people," he said.

Regarding the collection and distribution of song and music royalties, Marcell said, the law has chosen a system called extended collection (ECL).

There are two types of ECL, namely mandatory and non-mandatory. The mandatory system collects royalties through special institutions before they are distributed. Meanwhile, for non-mandatory purposes, there is an opportunity for direct licensing to song owners, but for certain conditions.

But back again, why was the mandatory ECL chosen? Because we want to build an ecosystem. We want to build a mindset where these people are afraid of intellectual property protection first, how can we appreciate and give appreciation to creators for their works, or performers, or producers, "said Marcell Siahaan.

"This is what you want to build. So it's not just royalties, but also building a sustainable mechanism. This is sustainable, development. Well, this is what you want to build," he said.