First Aid For Pingsan People: Here's The Quick Steps To Do

YOGYAKARTA - Pingsan can be felt by anyone and at any time. The majority of people will panic immediately when they find someone fainting near us. The real cause of our panic is because we don't know or are confused about what we must do if we find someone who fainted instantly near us. Therefore, everyone needs to recognize the right help for people to faint, so that the initial action can be carried out appropriately.

Early help in fainting people can be an effective effort to save a person's life, because in serious circumstances, fainting can indicate heart attacks or serious damage to the brain. So, what is the first aid like for people to faint?

Let's discuss the cause of someone fainting, and what we must do if we find someone faint near us.

Why Can People Fainted?

Launching from the Yankes website. Ministry of Health, fainting occurs when the brain lacks blood supply, so oxygen consumption and blood sugar to the brain also decreases. Meanwhile, both of them need brains to play a good role. As a result, there is a temporary decrease in consciousness.

Not only because of the reduced flow of oxygen and blood sugar to the brain, fainting can also be caused by fatigue or some specific medical and disease conditions, such as:

1. Check Respiratory Conditions

The first step in helping people pass out is the safety of their respiratory checks by checking their pulses and seeing chest and stomach movements. If there are no signs of breathing, contact an ambulance quickly or take a person who fainted to the nearest health care emergency unit. The state of fainting and not breathing generally proceeds due to serious circumstances, such as heart attacks, traffic accidents, or head injuries. If there is external bleeding, you can look for a sterile cloth and press the wound to stop bleeding while waiting for medical assistance. Make sure the patient's respiratory condition.

2.paring the Patient Body

If the patient has been confirmed to breathe, take him to the shade and lay his body in a flat place and in a recovery position.

3. Try to save yourself

After lying down and ensuring the patient's breathing ease, try to make him aware. Do it by tapping him, giving a little shock to his body, or calling him fast. This is to spur the patient's recovery of consciousness, if all he experiences is a simple fainting.

4. Monitor Breathing and Heart Work

You must also continue to be vigilant in addition to the work of the patient's heart and lungs. When you find that the patient is not breathing or there is no heart rate in the carotic pulse (beside the neck), immediately start pulmonary heart resuscitation (RJP).

Call for medical assistance while continuing the RJP cycle. Live RJP with a chest compression method 30 times, followed by artificial breathing 2 times. Continue to repeat the cycle until the aid arrives.

5. Monitor the signs of Supervision

The next handling of faint people is monitoring emergency signs.

Some signs of a decrease in consciousness may be due to more serious and life-threatening issues, namely:

6. Contact Health Officers

When the patient does not regain consciousness after doing the things above, immediately call an ambulance or health worker. In simple problems, the patient will immediately regain consciousness. If it is maintained, you can provide drinks containing sugar, especially if there is a history of eating late or having diabetes. People with diabetes are prone to natural decrease in blood sugar due to taking medicines. Make sure you continue to be with the patient until he recovers completely.

After successfully carrying out initial assistance for faint people, the matter that is no less means that it is an action that must be done after fainting. Suggest the patient to go to health workers in case of a head impact when he fainted, or have a history of fainting more than once in 1 month.

The state of fainting can be mild to severe. If you see someone fainting, do the first aid that has been explained above. Make sure to always be with the patient while waiting for medical assistance to arrive.

In addition, our artwork also discusses The First Way of Help for People Stopping Their Hearts' so that you don't feel sad when experiencing it.

So after knowing first aid for people fainting, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!