Case Of Ship Accident Ranked At SAR Operation 2023 In Manokwari

WEST PAPUA - The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) Manokwari noted that the most search and rescue (SAR) operations during 2023 were ship accidents.

"Of the 17 SAR operations during 2023, accidents at sea or our terms are the most finished ship accidents, namely 11 cases," said Head of the Manokwari Basarnas Office I Wayan Suyatna in Manokwari, West Papua, Thursday, January 11, quoted by Antara.

He said Basarnas' duties and functions in accordance with Law No. 29 of 2014 concerning Search and Rescue are handling aircraft accidents, ship accidents, conditions that endanger humans, accidents with special handling, and assisting during disaster emergency responses.

The next most SAR operations, he said, were, conditions that endangered humans by five cases and accidents with one special handling.

During 2023, he continued, there were no cases of plane accidents and natural disasters handled by Basarnas Manokwari. The scope of Basarnas Manokwari's duties includes Manokwari, South Manokwari, Arfak Mountains, Bintuni Bay and Wondama Bay.

From all our operations during 2023, the total number of victims was 65 people. A total of 51 victims managed to survive, eight died, and six were declared missing, with the percentage of evacuation of victims of 90.77 percent," he said.

Wayan explained that Basarnas Manokwari has 96 personnel spread across three districts, namely Manokwari with 84 personnel, Bintuni Bay with six personnel, and Wondama Bay with six personnel.

According to him, all members of the Manokwari Basarnas already have the ability in the medical field, rescue in the waters, land and sea evacuation capabilities, and the ability in the administration of SAR operations to be the coordinator of search and rescue missions and SAR planning.

"To further optimize SAR tasks, during 2023 we have also conducted training on potential SAR in Manokwari, Bintuni Bay, and South Manokwari. We train agencies that have the potential to search and rescue, for example TNI-Polri, BPBD, and other OPD-OPD to local governments," he said.

In terms of equipment, he said, Basarnas Manokwari has a ship measuring 40 meters, namely KM SAR Kumbakarna, seven rubber boats, jet skis and basic SAR equipment to deal with accidents in the waters.

"As for the ground SAR operation, we have seven trucks, there are also equipment for evacuation, iron cutting, rescue equipment for aircraft accidents," he said.

He hopes that by continuing to approach and coordinate with stakeholders of rescue operations, SAR operations can run quickly.