How To Be Sports Consistent: Try Deh, Do Some These Steps So That You Are Enthusiastic!

YOGYAKARTA - You must realize that exercise is actually important. However, indeed motivating yourself to consistently exercise is very difficult and difficult to do. The best method that you can go through is to continue to motivate yourself by adjusting yourself to a regular sporting agenda. Need some ways to be consistent in sports?

When you think that you will exercise starting tomorrow, you need to go out and do it right away. Here's how to be more consistent in exercising:

1. Focus on yourself

Of course there will always be someone who is fitter, faster, or more flexible than you. Don't compare yourself with them. Don't allow them to limit you from your main goal. Your exercise time is for you and about you.

2. Intention A Realistic Goal

Don't put too big a target, for example, lose 10 kg in 1 month. It could be difficult and impossible to try when you just started to consistently exercise. Don't force yourself to exercise for 1 hour per day. You should make more reasonable and affordable goals by your skills, such as exercising 2 to 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes.

3. Update Every Progress

Make a record of your exercise, whether online or in a notebook. Looking at progress such as running faster, continuing more repetition, or also increasing intensity in exercise, can make you continue to want to continue.

4. Starting from the Shortest Time

Pakalah diri Anda untuk melaksanakan olahraga, mulai dari waktu paling lama yang kamu lakupi. Misalnya 5 atau 7 menit. Setelah berakhir, membangkan diri apakah masih kuat

to continue. Otherwise, you can do some small sessions throughout the day. Better for a moment but consistent than for a long time but rarely.

5. Find the Encouraging Community

Find people, friends, family, partners, colleagues, neighbors, let alone communities, who will encourage you to keep moving forward. Ask them to keep doing sports, let alone do sports together.

6. Find Fun Things

If you are still not motivated, it could be that you can do the wrong activities. You could have liked it in the past, but now it's boring. Choose the activities you enjoy the most, and exercising will be the way you've been waiting for. Remember, if you exercise, you don't always have to be in the gym. You can go uphill or swim, let alone take dance classes.

7. Flexible with Time

When you are very busy on schedule, don't spend 30 minutes jammed on the way to the gym. Use a video practice on YouTube from home only. If you are very tired of exercising at night, use your alarm to wake up and exercise in the morning.

8. Give Reward to yourself

If you have succeeded in sports on purpose. Give yourself an award, such as buying gifts of clothes, massages, new songs, video games, or anything you enjoy.

Well, like that, there are some guidelines that you can take to be consistent in exercising. When you start to work hard, sweat regularly, and start getting a feeling of satisfaction with treating your body well, you will automatically love it if you damage your hard work. Especially after enjoying the weight results go down. It must be more motivated to consistently carry out exercise habits.

In addition, you can also take part in the 'Tips On Safe and Fun Sports' from our article to enjoy more in sports.

So after knowing how to be consistent in sports, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!