Seeing The 2024 Car Modification Trend: Electric Car Style, Audio, To LED Matrix

YOGYAKARTA - Car modification trends always experience changes and developments every year. The modification models can also vary, ranging from body to body, audio, lights, rims, and others. For automotive lovers, it is important to see the trend of car modifications in 2024.

Car modification trends have their respective eras that can be influenced by various factors. In 2020-2022, for example, the trend of modification is more of a simpler style and prioritizes functionality. This trend is inseparable from the Covid-19 pandemic which also affects the lifestyle of the Indonesian people.

In 2023, the trend of modification began to return to being exploratory or more attractive. After the pandemic subsided to become a marketing era for modifiers. Many modified lovers dress up their cars massively from various components. So what is the trend of car modification in 2024 that can be followed?

After holding or braking the jor-joran car modification style, entering 2024, the modification trend began to implement massive changes. Starting from many modified actors who beautify their cars with rims, cameras, fitness extreme, to wide body.

A number of modification experts consider that the modified trend in 2024 will lead to modifications of electric vehicles. The prediction of this trend can be seen from a number of automotive manufacturers that release electric cars at a fairly affordable price. Many Indonesians have bought and owned electric cars.

So the trend of modification of electric cars is expected to increase this year. In addition to the affordable price that makes a lot of interest, currently there are also more types of electric cars offered. The formation of this electric car enthusiast has made young people look at EV cars.

Young modifiers will be interested in giving a touch of modifications to electric cars because of a number of advantages from this type of car. Electric cars are odd-even free and more efficient because they do not use fuel oil (BBM).

It is predicted that there will be many modifications of electric cars playing in the interior and exterior sectors. Because if you want to make changes or additions to the dynamo and battery parts, it's a bit risky and can make car guarantees disappear.

Car audio is one of the sexy elements to be a modified object. The modified trend of car audio also continues to change and adjust. It is predicted that audio modifications in 2024 will begin to focus on OEM look.

Untuk optimalisasi audio mobil OEM look dasarnya dari perangkat prosesor sebagai perangkat tuning suara. Prosesor awalnya digunakan untuk mengatur penyesuaian sejumlah parameter frequency suara per speaker. Hal ini menghasilkan suara speaker yang terdengar lebih jelas dan bersih.

However, the process of sound positioning the processor setting can only be at one point, which is usually only on the seat driver. Each speaker must be focused on one point so that the resulting sound can be optimal.

In addition to audio, the element in the car that is also often the object of modification is the lights. The trend of modified car lights is predicted to retain touch like in 2023. The genre of variation of lazy eyes is considered to remain in great demand.

Although the trend of modified lights is still in line with previous tofu, this year it is more of a design that leads to futuristic lazy eyes. In addition, lighting to biled projectors will be even brighter so that it can be relied on to deal with rainy and foggy conditions.

For DRL and stoplamp, modifications this year lead more to the LED Matrix. With a note that the lights are only used for contests or show cars. In addition, mini projie and matrix are also popular in the market.

Such is the review of the trend of car modifications in 2024 that automotive lovers need to know. It is predicted that the application of car modifications this year will be more exploratory than in previous years during the pandemic. Also read the rules for modification of vehicles that do not violate the law.

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