VIDEO: Muhaimin Iskandar Salah Calls The Coalition Party Carrying AMIN

JAKARTA - After the Vice Presidential Candidate number 2 with a tongue sprain, calling folic acid an acid sulfate as an important substance needed by pregnant women, now Cawapres number 1 which has lost its tongue mentions the National Mandate Party as one of its supporting parties.

Muhaimin Iskandar or who is familiarly called Cak Imin delivered the speech at the East Java AMIN Grand Consolidation event at the Surabaya Arena DBL on Wednesday, January 10. Cak Imin had slipped his tongue when delivering his oration, instead of mentioning the NasDem Party, he actually called PAN part of the AMIN coalition.

This statement was immediately corrected by supporters present and PKB cadres who lined up near Cak Imin, shouting NasDem. After recitating his statement, the Cawapres number 1 asked his supporters to shout the AMIN volunteers' chants. In his speech, Muhaimin said that East Java was a barometer of the 2024 General Election victory.

Without hesitation, he also said that the National Awakening Party has always won in East Java. This consolidation was attended by the majority of PKB cadres and loyalists who wore green vests complete with PKB attributes.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Hamdan Zoelva, several kiai from East Java and former Vice President Jusuf Kalla were also seen. However, Jusuf Kalla did not provide any comments or statements either on stage or when he left the location. Watch the video below.