Experienced Consumption Of Dog Meat Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption, Surakarta City Government: From West Java Still Entering

JATENG - The Surakarta City Government (Pemkot) revealed the obstacles in conducting education related to the consumption of dog meat in its area. According to him, the education has not yet been successful.

"The culture of some people who still like to consume dog meat. In addition, dogs from West Java (West Java) are still in. There is a need for producers and consumers, so it is still ongoing, the problem is there," said Head of the Surakarta City Agriculture, Food Security and Fisheries Service Eko Nugroho Isbandijarso in Solo, Central Java, Wednesday, January 10, quoted by Antara.

Eko said that the Surakarta City Government was going through this obstacle while continuing to try to educate the public regarding the consumption of dog meat.

He added that the supervision of dog meat circulation has so far been carried out through communication, information, and education approaches.

"Because dogs are illegal. We socialize with dog meat sellers and the public, the negative impact is consuming dog meat," he said.

In addition, his party also routinely conducts rabies checks by taking samples of the dog's brain.

"The results are still negative. Solo is also a rabies-free area. What we are paying attention to is so that there is no rabies outbreak in Surakarta City, so it is necessary to examine animals, including vaccinations," he said.

Eko explained that the Solo City Government noted that so far there are still 27 dog meat stalls in Solo with a need of approximately 90-100 heads/day.

"In this case, we continue to educate and provide information about the dangers of consuming dog meat, it is suspected that bacteria can be transmitted to humans," he said.