How To Check NISN Online For Students Of All Education Levels

TYOGYAKARTA - The National Student Identification Number (NISN) is an important identity for students or students. NISN is the identification of students registered with the Ministry of Education and Culture and its function is very important in education. So how to check NISN online to find out the student identification number?

NISN is given to students who become students in every teaching unit that has a National School Principal Number (NPSN). NISN is a student identity identification code that is unique, standard, and applies throughout time in all educational units in the country.

NISN is usually used for national exam purposes to college registration or college. However, some students do not know or forget their identification number. There is a way to check NISN online that each student needs to know.

How to check NISN online can be done easily through the official website For those of you who want to know NISN data, here are the steps that you can follow:

Students often print NISN data for a number of purposes, such as registering for lectures or selection to enter PTN. You can easily print NISN through the following steps:

As mentioned earlier, NISN has a function as the identification number that distinguishes ready identities from other students in every school in Indonesia. In addition, NISN has other uses, namely as follows, which need to be understood by each student and their parents:

In some cases sometimes there is NISN data that cannot be found. If you experience this, there are several factors that cause NISN not to appear:

That's how to check NISN online and the steps to print it that each student and their parents need to know. NISN is important data that needs to be remembered and stored by students because it will be used at any time when needed. Also read also information on the conditions for entering the PTN self-isolation route.

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