BPBD Map Landslide Prone District Due To Heavy Rain In West Manggarai NTT

The West Manggarai Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) appealed to residents to be aware of floods and landslides in line with high rainfall during the transition of the season.

Head of BPBD West Manggarai Isfridus Tobong said the potential for flooding and landslides due to heavy rains could occur in Kuwus District, West Kuwus District, Dating District, parts of Sano Nggoang District, and Menbeling District.

"Of the 11 potential disasters in West Manggarai, for hydrometeorological disasters that are subscribed to landslides and floods," said Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Wednesday, January 10, as reported by Antara.

Therefore, he said, disaster preparedness needs to be increased, especially for residents who live on riverbanks or hill slopes. He appealed to residents to immediately evacuate independently if the intensity of rainfall was high for several hours.

The West Manggarai Regency Government (Pemkab), he continued, has been conducting disaster response socialization to all villages since December 2023.

Furthermore, a disaster preparedness meeting was carried out involving the TNI-Polri and related agencies on January 4, 2024 to increase coordination and mitigation during natural disasters.

"Our appeal is to pay attention to waste, be alert around areas prone to landslides and floods, especially residents who live in ravine areas, such as extreme areas in West Kuwus. If the rainfall is high, they are asked to evacuate independently," he said.

He also emphasized that the sub-district heads and village heads should be proactive in monitoring weather forecasts and disseminating information on rainfall forecasts and potential disasters in their respective areas.

Isfridus hopes that the village and sub-district governments and residents will immediately report if a disaster occurs, so that local governments can handle it more quickly.

"BPBD has a coordination, command, and implementer function. When our resources are limited, we will coordinate with relevant agencies both vertically and in the regions," he said.