Diet Myths You Need To Know

JAKARTA - The lack of knowledge of the general public about diet has resulted in the emergence of many myths that have developed. They think weight loss is reducing food intake.

Maybe, you are one of those people who are trying to lose weight by rarely eating, because that's your logic. In fact, your diet is wrong. It's not that the body is ideal, it is weak and unhealthy.

Fitness expert, Jansen Ongko, noted some of the myths circulating among the public about dieting. These myths are not entirely true.

1. Diet postpone meal hours.

Some people decide to postpone eating hours in order to reduce the intake of food that enters the body. Mostly, they skip breakfast and combine mealtime with lunch.

Jansen said, eating less than the number of daily calorie needs does lose weight. But, over time the body will feel continuous hunger.

"Then, the condition of the body becomes less energetic and not as energetic as if you regularly eat healthy foods. In the end, it only slows down the body's metabolism, not losing weight," said Jansen when confirmed by VOI, Saturday, March 7.

2. Eating late at night makes you fat.

Hunger that appears before bed is often irritating. Want to eat, but remember what a friend said that eating late at night makes you gain weight. In fact, said Jansen, dinner is not always bad.

"The key is what we eat, not at what time we eat it," he said.

Banana illustration. (Photo: Unsplash)

Jansen continued, for some people, having dinner a little later can help reduce the desire to eat in the middle of the night. He said, you can eat at night with a portion of about 10 percent of total calories. For example, eating fruit or vegetables in moderation.

"At least eat bananas, or something. The thing to remember, don't sleep on an empty stomach. Remember, people who are on a diet, their sleep quality also decreases. At night after activities we are weak, especially with a lot of work, plus stress," explained Jansen.

However, he said, we need to be careful not to eat dinner too close to bedtime. "This can disrupt sleep comfort when the digestive function is working extra to digest the food that has just been consumed," he continued.

3. Abstinence from fatty foods.

Diet is aimed at reducing fat. Because, excess consumption of fatty foods can make the waist wider and health begins to deteriorate.

But it must be remembered, that fat is the body's water reserve. if you want to lower the fat, it means that the energy is used. What you need to know, the fat that should be avoided is bad fat.

Avocado illustration. (Photo: Unsplash)

"There are good sources of fat, such as those found in daily foods such as salmon, olive oil, nuts, avocado, and eggs, which have many health benefits," said Jansen.

The good fats that Jansen mentioned can reduce bad cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, and protect joints, and help reduce excess body fat.