Bawaslu Tasikmalaya Searches Videos Of Teacher Supporting Prabowo-Gibran

TASIKMALAYA - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Tasikmalaya City, West Java conducted a search of the case of a teacher known to have the status of a state civil servant (ASN) in Tasikmalaya regarding the making of a video expressing support for the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2 Prabowo-Gibran.

"Still in search. Today is the last search," said Tasikmalaya City Bawaslu Commissioner Tedi Saepudin as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 9.

He said that the Tasikmalaya City Bawaslu had received information about a video showing a woman named Ilah expressing support for the Prabowo-Gibran pair.

The woman who is known to teach at SD Negeri 3 Gobras Tasikmalaya, he said, was based on the search results that she made a video because she liked the pair number 2.

"From the search results, the element is alleged by Mrs. Ilah that the video was made because she liked candidate pair number 2," he said.

He conveyed that the search was carried out to prove the making of videos and also related to their status as ASN.

According to him, if the search results prove not neutral by deliberately making videos and conveying support for presidential and vice presidential candidates, they can be charged with election crimes.

"It can be (criminally charged with election), but more later it will be returned to KASN, if ASN is," said Tedi.

Previously, a video showing women expressing support for presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs was widely circulated on social media.

The video, which lasts 4 minutes 28 seconds, claims to be Ilah Gomez from SDN 3 Gobras who sings songs while dancing to pair number 2.