President Jokowi Officially Inaugurates 9 Indonesian Ombudsman Members For 2021-2026 Period

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo officially appointed nine Indonesian Ombudsman Members at the State Palace, Central Jakarta. This inauguration is contained in Presidential Decree Number 36B of 2021.

In their inauguration, the nine Ombudsman Members for the 2021-2026 term read out the oath of office in front of President Jokowi

"In the name of God, I swear to carry out my duties directly or indirectly, I will defend and be loyal to the 1945 Constitution for the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. I swear by not making any promises or giving anything", said the members of the Ombudsman, broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube channel, Monday, February 22nd.

After reading the oath, Jokowi and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin congratulated them, followed by a group photo.

The nine new Ombudsman members are Mokh. Najih (Unismuh Yogyakarta lecturer) as Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman, then Bobby Hamzar Rafinus (ASN of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy) as Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Ombudsman.

The seven other Ombudsman members are Dadan Suparjo Suharmawijaya (RI Ombudsman member), Hery Susanto (PT Grage Nusantara Global Director of Ops), Indraza Marzuki Rais (Head of SPI PT Perikanan Nusantara, Persero), Jemsly Hutabarat (PT GMF Aeroasia employee), Johanes Widijantoro (Atma Jaya University lecturer), Robertus Na Endi Jaweng (KPPOD researcher), and Yeka Hendra Fatika (Chair of the Center for Food Agriculture and Advocacy Studies/Pataka).