Those Who Are Not Worried About COVID-19 In CFD But Still Need Information

JAKARTA - Mutia has made up her mind to continue her routine sports activities on a Car Free Day (HBKB) or Car Free Day (CFD) in the Jalan Sudirman-MH Thamrin area today. He understands that the transmission of the corona virus or COVID-19 is a concern in Indonesia, especially in crowded places.

However, the desire to have a healthy lifestyle on weekends for the 36-year-old Jakarta resident overcame his fear. After all, he had not experienced any symptoms of the infectious disease.

Coincidentally, Mutia saw the socialization booth held by the DKI Health Service regarding the corona virus as it passed the Sarinah area. He took the time to clean his hands using the hand sanitizer provided.

An official of the Jakarta Health Office there immediately gave instructions on how to clean hands properly. There were six steps that Mutia followed. First, wiping the palms, then the backs of the hands, between the fingers, followed by locking the hands tightly for a few seconds, then continuing to wipe the thumbs, and not forgetting the nails.

"Usually, I usually clean my hands as long as I wipe them. From this explanation, I just found out that cleaning hands is not only like that, there are steps," Mutia said during a conversation with VOI at the location, Sunday, March 8.

Car Free Day (CFD) in DKI Jakarta which provides information about COVID-19, Sunday 8 March. (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

While meeting with health workers, Mutia asked further questions about how the corona virus was transmitted, to prevent it from being infected with the virus that came from China.

"This information is very useful, so I am not so afraid of contracting the corona in a crowded place because I already understand," he said before continuing his sports activities.

Doctor Hernanda, the DKI Jakarta Health Office who is in charge of disseminating the corona virus at Sarinah said the main point of the socialization was the emphasis on the community, especially in Jakarta, about the importance of avoiding transmission of the virus.

"As we know, the corona virus is transmitted through droplets, or splashes of fluids in the body from sufferers that enter the mouth, nose and eyes of infected people. High transmission rates are very risky in crowded conditions, so we educate the public," Hernanda explained. .

Car Free Day (CFD) in DKI Jakarta which provides information about COVID-19, Sunday 8 March. (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

Therefore, Hernanda explained what the corona virus is, why corona can enter Indonesia, how is it transmitted, why does it enter Indonesia, how to prevent it.

"So, if you are sick, rest at home and are forced to do activities you must use a mask. If you cough or sneeze, use a disposable mask or tissue. We cover the mouth and nose, then we throw away the tissue," he said.

This corona socialization booth, said Hernanda, is at five points in the Sudirman-Thamrin CFD area. Residents can visit the booths at the HI Roundabout, Sarinah, Dukuh Atas, Taman Budaya, and Ratu Plaza.

However, Hernanda admitted that he did not check the temperature of the residents who were exercising in the area. This is different from the statement made by the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, some time ago.

Last Friday, March 6, Syafrin said, officers from the Health Office would be tasked with measuring the body temperature of people entering the Sudirman-Thamrin CFD area.

"Health Office officers will be assigned to conduct socialization and temperature measurement for the community with a thermal gun at several points," said Syafrin.

Meanwhile, the reason the CFD should continue to be held is to improve air quality in Jakarta, as well as to use public spaces for exercise.

So that the continuation of the CFD does not violate the instructions of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan which prohibits crowd permit activities from using public spaces, there are special provisions that are enforced.

"Regarding the licensing to gather the masses, of course we obey. Which is, during CFD there should be no activities that gather the masses on a stage," said Syafrin.

"Currently, CFD is only for sports, cycling, walking, or running. We have coordinated, once there is a mass gathering, we will put it in order," he concluded.