Foreign Minister Affirms Indonesia Is A Main Player In The Region, Not A Spectator

JAKARTA - Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized that Indonesia's diplomacy over the past 10 years has shown that Indonesia is one of the main players in the region and globally, not as spectators.

Retno quoted the Australian-based independent think tank Lowy Institute, which calls Indonesia a middle power in Asia with increasing diplomatic and comprehensive influence.

Indonesian diplomacy is also said to have the highest influence in Southeast Asia in 2023, and Retno said Indonesia's leadership was recognized by the world, including in mobilizing ASEAN during Indonesia's chairmanship.

"Indonesia's leadership in the region plays a very important role in preventing the localization of ASEAN as an regional organization," said Retno in the 2024 Minister of Foreign Affairs' Annual Press Statement (PPTM) as reported by ANTARA, Monday, January 8.

Retno said that Indonesia's diplomacy in the region continues to work so that ASEAN remains relevant and maintains ASEAN's centrality in navigating geopolitical dynamics in the region. Indonesia's diplomacy, according to Retno, also functions to build an inclusive Indo-Pacific region architecture, which prioritizes the paradigm of collaboration and respect for international law.

In 2019, Indonesia became the initiator of ASEAN's View of Indo-Pacific (AOIP) which encouraged concrete and inclusive cooperation as an answer to the dynamics of increasing rivalry in the region.

Regarding developments in Myanmar, Retno illustrates that the issue has always been Indonesia's concern. During Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN, more than 265 activities have been carried out with Myanmar stakeholders to encourage the advancement of the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus to help Myanmar get out of the crisis.

"Democracy and stability in Myanmar will be the key to solving the Rohingya issue, so that they can return to their homes in a dignified manner," he said.

At multilateral levels, Indonesia also continues to voice the strengthening of multilateral systems, including United Nations (UN) reforms, which are currently considered irrelevant and do not answer the challenges of the times.

Dalam Presidensi G20 2022, Retnomenganggap Indonesia menjalankan tugas dengan baik dan menghasilkan proyek kerja sama konkret bagi negara berkembang, di tengah tensi geopolitik yang memanas.Indonesia, kata dia, dapat memainkan peran jembatan dengan baik di tengah perbedaan pandangan yang sangat tajam antarnegara.Menurut Retno, Indonesia juga terus meningkatkan jumlah pasukan penjaga perdamaian. Pada akhir November 2023, Indonesia menjadi kontributor keenam terbesar pasukan penjaga perdamaian --peningkatantajam dibandingkan 2014 ketika Indonesia tercatat menjadi kontributor ke-16 terbesar di dunia.Retno menyebut sejak 2014, lebih 20.000 personel telah dikirim ke 13 misi pemeliharaan perdamaian PBB.