Ministry Of Religion: Selection Of PPIH Saudi Arabia Center Level Starting January 11, 2024

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has opened a selection of the Saudi Arabian Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) or Hajj officers for the central level which is open from 11 to 19 January 2024.

"We invite applicants who meet the requirements to take part in the Saudi Arabian PPIH selection. Registration is open from 11 to 19 January 2024 through the Ministry of Religion's SuperApps Pusaka," said Ministry of Religion spokesman Anna Hasbie in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 8.

Anna said the selection of PPIH Saudi Arabia would be carried out with a Computer Assisted Test (CAT) and interviews. The CAT issue is related to national insight, religious moderation, Hajj regulations, Hajj rituals, as well as duty and service functions.

While the interview session will explore the readability of the Koran, the deepening of the duties and functions of Hajj officers, solving problems, integrity, and moderate religious understanding and leadership.

"For CAT and interviews, will be held at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory on January 25, 2024. The selection results will be announced through the accounts of each participant on January 29, 2024," he said.

The Director of Hajj at the Ministry of Religion, Arsad Hidayat, explained that there were four formations in the selection of PPIH Saudi Arabia 1445 H/2024 AD, namely the Hajj Media Center (MCH), Jamaah Protection, Elderly Congregation Services, and Handling of Crisis and First Aid at Hajj Pilgrims (PKP3JH).

Especially for the MCH, the initial selection is currently underway by the Bureau of Public Relations, Data, and Information of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Religion.

To register, participants must first create an account through the Ministry of Religion's SuperApps Pusaka. After that, participants uploaded the predetermined required documents.

"If it is declared that they have passed the verification of the file, the participants will get an exam card. If they do not pass the verification of the file, the participants will get a notification," he said.