Police Arrest 2 Dealers Of 1.2 Kilograms Of Shabu In Kolaka

The Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Kolaka Police, Southeast Sulawesi arrested two perpetrators suspected of being drug dealers weighing 1.2 kilograms in the rented house of one of the perpetrators.

"This is the result of the development of cases from the Narcotics Unit based on information from the public so that cases of narcotics trafficking of methamphetamine can be revealed," said Kolaka Police Chief AKBP Mohammad Yosa Hadi as reported by ANTARA, Monday, January 8.

From the arrest, the police arrested two people, namely the initials AF and S with evidence of illegal goods based on the results of the suspect's examination, which was methamphetamine sent from Sumatra via a delivery package.

This case, said the Police Chief, had been conducting surveillance on the two suspects for a long time, but the police arrested the perpetrator and found evidence of narcotics of the type of methamphetamine weighing 1.2 kilograms.

During a search in the room, one of the suspects found 9 large clear plastic bags wrapped in duct tape, 3 large clips and 22 medium-sized sachetplastics weighing about 1.2 kilograms.

During the arrest, the police also confiscated other evidence in the form of plastic press equipment, 2 boxes of delivery packages, 1 black box, 2 digital weighing equipment, 1 large balsachetplastic and medium size and 2 cellphones.