2.06 Million Land Fields In Jambi Province Now Registered And Certified

JAMBI - 2.06 million plots of land in Jambi Province have been registered and certified from the target of 2.5 million plots of land set over a total province area of 49,000 square km.

"Currently, 2.06 million plots of land have been certified, the remaining 300 thousand plots of land are again," said Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tajahjanto in his remarks at the Jambi Provincial DPRD Plenary Meeting in the context of the 67th Anniversary of Jambi Province, in Jambi, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 6.

Thus, from the target of 2.5 million, it is 82 percent. There is only 18 percent left and by 2025 the target of 2.5 million all fields in Jambi Province is expected to have been realized and registered.

Minister Hadi said the added value of the economy from the land parcels that had been certified reached Rp9.4 trillion. This figure comes from certificates that are assigned to banks.

"What does that mean? The economy in Jambi is increasing. Therefore, we will continue to encourage, resolve, lack of land certification for the people who only have 18 percent left," he said.

On the same occasion, Minister Hadi also continued to encourage district/city governments in Jambi Province to provide exemption from land and building rights (BPHTB) duties for the Complete Systematic Land Registration program or PTSL.

"I hope that BPHTB in regencies/cities in Jambi Province can be released all because it is for the people," he said.

Minister Hadi assured that the release of BPHTB would not harm local governments. He said the BPHTB exemption would not harm local governments. On the other hand, the program will increase the volume of land services such as the Transfer of Rights, Rights to Responsibility, and increase regional income.

"Indeed, it is not the current regent or mayor, but the next regent and mayor. We hope that BPHTB can be released," said the former TNI Commander.

Minister Hadi said there are two areas in Jambi Province, namely Jambi City and Sungai Penuh Regency, which will declare themselves as the complete city.

The status of the complete city indicates that the mapping of land that has been officially registered with the National Land Agency (BPN) and the complete data is both spatially and juridically complete.

"The city of Jambi and Sungai Penuh Regency will be a pilot for Jambi Province. If it has become a complete city, so the district is complete, then there will be no quarrel. The city has become an anti-caplok city and anti-fight. The land mafia is lying down because it will not be able to play, all land is registered," he said.

In the plenary meeting, Minister Hadi also handed over 48 land certificates of State Property (BMN) and Regional Property (BMD) in Jambi Province, consisting of a BMN Certificate of the Ministry of Transportation in Jambi City; six National Police BMN Certificates in Tebo Regency; 15 Jambi Province BMD Certificates; 15 West Tanjung Jabung Regency BMD Certificates; and 11 Jambi City BMD Certificates.

Asset certification is one of President Joko Widodo's directives to the government to continue to control the governance administration and maintain its assets. This is a form of mitigation of state losses due to land problems and abandoned assets.