VIDEO: Third Debate Of The 2024 Presidential Election, The Theme That Was Carried Out Is Said To Be Controlled By Prabowo Subianto

The third debate for the 2024 presidential election will take place on Sunday, January 7. The three presidential candidates, Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto and Ganjar Pranowo will compete with ideas related to defense, security, international relations, and geopolitical themes.

Many predict that Prabowo Subianto will become a'stage star' because the theme he carries is controlled by Prabowo. As a former active TNI and currently serving as the current Minister of Defense, Prabowo is certainly considered to have mastered the theme.

However, that does not mean that Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo did not make preparations. Interestingly, ahead of the third debate in the 2024 presidential election with the theme that Prabowo Subianto predicted, the results of the Netray popularity survey actually put Prabowo Subianto in the 'insured' position. On platform X, for example, Anies Baswedan's popularity survey was in first place with 41.73 percent. While Prabowo was in third place with 19.08 percent.

On the Instagram platform too. Ganjar Pranowo is in first place with 54.99 percent, while Prabowo is in third place with 19.81 percent. Meanwhile on TikTok, Prabowo Subianto's popularity survey is also in third place with 27.47 percent. So, will this number change after the presidential debate later? Watch the video below.