"Obviously" The Witness Said That The Police Had Opened Fire When The Saipul Jamil Car Raided

JAKARTA - "Obviously," the firearm eruption belonging to members of the Police was heard and broke the concentration of vehicle drivers in the crowd of the Jelambar area, West Jakarta on Friday, January 5, that afternoon. Apparently, the sound of the firearm eruption was fired by the police to secure the black car passengers containing the artist Saipul Jamil. "(had) heard the sound of gunfire, immediately the black Avanza car opened the door. Yes, it was similar - like Saipul Jamil, it was a lot of people who caught him. He (police) clothes were thugs but brought all pistols," said Bahrudin, one of the eyewitnesses of the incident to reporters at the location, Friday, January 5. Bahrudin explained that the plainclothes apparatus numbered 6 people using motorbikes. It is suspected that Saipul Jamil's car had been tied up for a long time. "There were 6 people who beat them using motorbikes, on the busway route, yes not on the outside (path)," he said. When he was raided, the driver of the car was silent when he saw Saipul Jamil was arrested. "But the driver who brought him, he was silent, there was no reaction whatsoever. They (police) clothes of thugs but brought pistols," he said. Previously, artist Saipul Jamil was arrested by members of the Tambora Police in the Jalan Daan Mogot area, West Jakarta, Friday, January 5, afternoon. He was also arrested after the police arrested Saipul assistant related to the drug case. The head of the Tambora Police, Kompol Donny Agung Harvida, said that his party was still conducting inspections and deepening at the Tambora Police. Drug-related security. "It was true that we were protecting someone, it turned out that there was Sai Jamil. We are still investigating," said Kompol Donny when confirmed, Friday, January 5.