Red Ginger Recipe For Healthy Drinks And How To Make It

YOGYAKARTA - Red ginger or sunti ginger is known to have a spicy taste and a stronger aroma. So, it's no wonder that this type of ginger is more often used for the manufacture of traditional medicines or essential oils. There are also several concoctions of red ginger for Health drinks. Anything? Check out the following reviews.

The reason is, red ginger can be processed into ready-to-eat drinks that are healthy, such as ginger, herbal medicine, and others.

Here are some methods that we can try to make red ginger as a healthy drink.

1. Jamu Jahe Merah

Because it has benefits that are greater than other varieties, red ginger is also suitable to be used as herbal products.

Sourced from the book Ginger written by Hesti Dwi Setyaningrum and Cahyo Saparinto (2013), red ginger made as herbal medicine can relieve or spur the healing of various diseases.

In addition, the red ginger that is processed into herbal medicine is also believed to be able to overcome several health problems felt by modern people such as degenerative, shrinking immunity, to vitality.

To make it, we can prepare red ginger herbs, water as needed, and brown sugar.

Heat or boil the water until it boils, after that input from red ginger herbal medicine and brown sugar (according to taste), then stir and drink while still warm.

2. Wedang Ginger Merah

Quoting from several sources, red ginger is a mainstay menu that is very often sold in angkringan. Many people believe that red ginger can help cure various diseases. Starting from digestive problems, relieve muscle and joint pain, to increase male fertility.

Not only enjoying it in angkringan, we can also make it ourselves using ingredients according to taste. Make sure to choose red ginger with the best quality. For example, choosing fresh ginger which is still in the form of arimpang, because the nutrients you get are certainly more.

Steps To Make It:

3. Red Ginger Sekoteng

Red ginger can also be processed into healthy sekoteng drinks. If you want to try it, here are the stages of making a red ginger shop:

In addition, you must know '3 Types of Gingers That Are Beneficial to Increase Your Body's Resilience'.

So after knowing the red ginger concoction for healthy drinks, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!