Easy Ways To Become A Canva Contributor: Are You Sure You Don't Want Additional Money?

YOGYAKARTA - So the Canva contributor is an alternative for those of you who want to earn extra money from making graphic designs. Want to know how to easily become a contributor to Canva?

When it becomes a contributor to Canva, your graphic design that has been uploaded will receive royalties every time used by Canva users.

Canva's royalty work method is similar to YouTube's income. The difference is, contributors to Canva earn money each design used, YouTubers get money every time the video is watched.

Launching from the Canva website, Canva's contributor income will be paid in USD currency every 15th of each month. Although the average monthly royalties are confidential, Canva said that within one year, the company disbursed more than IDR 400 billion in funds as contributors' royalties.

The method of being a contributor to Canva is also not difficult. You just need to register yourself to become a contributor. Then how to be a contributor to Canva? In this post, procedures for being a contributor to Canva have been explained

Getting To Know Canva

Canva is an all-in-one graphic design application made by an Australian Canva company. Through Canva, users can create graphic designs for various purposes such as creating infographics, posters, presentations, image and video editing, as well as all things related to graphic design.

This application became famous for the convenience offered to create graphic designs. The existence of a design template makes it easier for ordinary people to create graphic designs as desired. As of June 2023, Canva users are estimated to reach 135 million people who are actively using Canva as graphic design applications.

Canva contributors are currently called Canva creators. There are 2 types of creators that are regulated, namely elements creators and template creators.

As the name implies, element creators are element designers used in Canva and receive royalties every time the resulting elements are used by users. Element creators are opened to the public, you just need to register and create an account as a creator of Canva elements.

Meanwhile, template creators are contributors who design various templates and elements. However, Canva does not open template creator registration in general. To become a template creator, you need to explore the selection stage first.

The following is a step to be a contributor to Canva, be it an element creator or template creator.

How To Be A Creator Of Canva Elements

To be a creator of Canva elements, you need to explore the registration process and approvals inaugurated by Canva. Here are the steps:

How To Become A Creator Of The Canva template

To become a template creator, you need to create a portfolio first. Portfolios can be in the form of a web or social media such as Instagram. After creating a portfolio, take the following steps to become a creator of Canva templates:

If accepted, you will receive a short design course at Canva.

Keep in mind, Canva is currently not opening element creator registration because there are many registrants. Always check information whether registration has been opened.

It turns out that we can 'Openai Integrate Canva to ChatGPT' to make design easier!

So after knowing how to easily become a contributor to Canva, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!