In Order Not To Be Fooled, Here Are 5 Ways To Distinguish Original And Fake Diamonds

Diamonds are women's friends. But in the world of precious stones, there are several alternatives to make diamonds. Actually, there is no problem with the method of making them. However, if the stone used is not in accordance with what is claimed, then it could be a case.

Fake diamonds can also be white zircons, quartz, glass, white tokens, and even white spinels. Therefore, you must know how to recognize fake diamonds and remember them well. Let's pay attention to the following methods of recognizing fake diamonds, reported by the Times of India, Thursday, January 4.

This is one of the easiest tests, where you only need a regular glass and fill three-quarters of it with water. Next, put the diamond loose into the glass. If it sinks, it means that your diamond is pure. However, if the diamond turns out to be glass or quartz, it will float below or simply stick to the surface of the water.

The fog test is another easy experiment that can be done. Safe, easy, and applicable to diamond jewelry and loose diamonds. Just take the diamond between two fingers, and blow the air onto it. On the original diamond surface, the fog will disappear immediately. On the other hand, the fake rock will hold the fog for a few seconds, because of its high conductance capability, the original diamond will quickly remove the heat.

You can also observe fake or original diamond stones practically by paying attention to the light reflected by the diamond. Usually the diamond shows gray and white glare from the inside and then spreads in the rainbow color around it. If it is fake, then the stone tends to intensify the reflection of the rainbow color without the presence of gray and white in its spectrum.

With a piece of paper, draw a dot and place gems from the flat side down at that point. Then, try to see the point you image through the diamond stone. The original diamond won't show anything, while the fake diamond will show the spot clearly.

To do this test, turn off all the lights and place your stones under the source of black light. If you are holding a genuine diamond, you will see a deep blue color on the surface of the diamond. Counterfeit gemstones will look like other colors like yellow, gray, and green.