Thousands Of Dayak Leaders Enliven The Long Table Party

TANJUNG SELOR - Thousands of people in the Village Head of Tanjung Palas Utara District, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara), held a Cultural Party of the Panjang Table of the Dayak community.

This Panjang Table performance is a tradition of Dayak people in Pimpang Village by serving food on long tables and Dayak tribe dances, this annual culture is held every year when welcoming the beginning of the year.

The Governor of Kaltara, Zainal Arifin Paliwang, said that apart from strengthening the existence of brotherhood between others, this Long Table Culture is a form of equality of the citizens' social status. Where, all residents from various social statuses gather and eat together.

In the culture of the Panjang Table, there are various food menus that are the result of the community of the Menipang Village and are enjoyed in groups at that time.

"All people eat dishes that are on this table with their own meaning, there is no difference in position between human beings so that they can mingle and unite to enjoy togetherness," said Zainal, Wednesday, January 3.

He admitted that he was always present at the Chairing villager event to show his support for the existence of local traditional culture.

"I have never been alone and have always been present in the middle of the event of the village community. I support what the village community will create. Local cultural parties. We always support it. The provincial government is always present. Tourism villages display traditional culture. Tourism villages are extraordinary," he explained.








At this annual festival, the Governor of Kaltara expressed his admiration for the customs of the Village of the Leaders. He also saw the public's concern for defending and preserving its culture.

"I give high appreciation, because the people of Pimpang Village have maintained and preserved the tradition and culture of the Panjang Table," said Zainal.

According to him, apart from being a unifying event for the community, this cultural festival can become a tourism potential. Starting from traditional clothes, regional dances, and local food servings typical of the Dayak tribe, the value of introducing local wisdom of the local community.

He appealed to the public to uphold brotherhood in social life.

"Continue to maintain togetherness. Let's continue our steps to strengthen economic and health recovery. As the vision and mission of the development of North Kalimantan that has changed, advanced, and Prosperous," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of Bulungan, Ingkong Ala, explained that the tradition of a long table as a tradition of the Dayak Pimpang tribe welcomes guests.

"Treast culture of the Dayak village of Pimpang welcomes the New Year. Live together on a long shirt. Share each other. A form of gratitude to God is the gift of God through a long table," said Inkong Ala.








Deputy Regent Ingkong Ala said the performance was a local wisdom that must always be preserved and supported by its existence, because in addition to respecting the ancestors, it was also to strengthen human relations.

"Local wisdom that contains the value of brotherhood and elements of togetherness among the community. Through a long table party, it is also a tribute to the ancestors," he concluded.