Khofifah Asked The Unair Team To Examine The Deaths Of Dozens Of Whales Stranded In Modung Bangkalan

SURABAYA - Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa wants to know the cause of the strandings of dozens of whales, most of which died in Modung waters, Bangkalan, Madura. Khofifah asked doctors from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Airlangga University Surabaya to research it.

"So the samples of dead whales will be examined immediately by the FKH Airlangga University team that has arrived, and we will wait for the results", said Khofifah, Saturday, February 20.

Khofifah has sent two excavator units to evacuate the whale carcass. The whale carcass was then buried.

"So it is true that a whale that is already dead must be buried in this area", she said.

Until now, said Khofifah, there were 49 whales that died after being stranded. Meanwhile, there were three of them who were alive, and they were released to the high seas by fishing boats.

"So if the whales are released into the sea, they must be together. Because there is an atmosphere of togetherness from these whales, they follow one extraordinary breath", said Khofifah.