Police Regarding Microphone Slander, Roy Suryo Says The Legal Team Is Starting To Move

JAKARTA - Telematics expert Roy Suryo said his legal team began to move by reviewing the data on reports of alleged hate speech directed at him.Roy Suryo was previously reported to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police regarding the statement regarding the implementation of the initial vice presidential debate which was considered odd."Yes, I have heard the news and currently my legal team from IDCC & Associates is reviewing the report," said Roy Suryo when contacted, Wednesday, January 3.Later, the results of a study from Roy Suryo's legal team will be the basis for the legal steps that will be taken."God willing, later or tomorrow there will be an official attitude or response from my legal team," said Roy Suryo.Roy Suryo was reported by Pilar 08 volunteers for alleged hate speech to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, Tuesday, January 2. The report relates to his statement regarding the implementation of the inaugural debate for the vice presidential candidate which is considered to have a number of irregularities.Head of Law for Pillar 08, Hanfi Fajri said Roy Suryo's statement had caused a commotion in the community. In fact, the General Election Commission or KPU as the organizer and the television party who participated in the vice presidential debate have denied this.In fact, it has been explained about the use of three microphones against each vice presidential candidate."Even though everything has been denied by the chairman of the KPU. The consortium from the TV organizers has been denied. But Roy Suryo still insists that he feels the most right," he said."In fact, we don't want provocations to cause commotion and hate speech from the candidate pair. So we to prove the truth, we make a report like that," continued Hanfi.In a report that has been with the number LP/B/3/I/2023/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI, dated January 2, 2024, a number of evidences were also included. For example, a screenshot of the @KRMTRoySuryo1 account showing a statement about irregularities.Roy Suryo was reported under Article ITE Law Article 28 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 45A Paragraph (2) RI Law number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and/or Article 14 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 15 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 207 of the Criminal Code.Roy Suryo commented on the implementation of the inaugural vice presidential debate at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Convention Center, Jakarta, Friday, December 22. According to him, there were a number of irregularities in the debate organized by the KPU.
"Yesterday I thought, to avoid cheating, the KPU should be fair next," tweeted Roy Suryo through his X account, @KRMTRoySuryo1, Friday (22/12)."Why does this number 2 use 3 (three) mics at once: 1. Clip-on, 2. Hand-held & 3. Head-sets? What's the point of having earphones? Who can feed into their ears? Why are the other 2 candidates different? Ambyar," he continued.