Easy! Here's How To Check Campus Accreditation And Prodi At The BAN-PT Site

YOGYAKARTA How to check campus accreditation and study programs (study programs) is very easy. Prospective students can find out the status and rating of campus accreditation and study programs through the official website of the Higher Education National Accreditation Agency (BAN-PT).

For information, accreditation is an assessment activity to determine the feasibility of study programs and universities. However, the assessment of the two used different instruments.

Based on BAN-PT Regulation Number 1 of 2022, accreditas instruments for universities consist of two types, namely the 7 Standard Accreditation Instrument which is valid before October 1, 2018 and the 3.0 Higher Education Accreditation Instrument which is valid from October 1, 2018.

Meanwhile, the accreditation instrument for the study program consists of the 7 Standard Accreditation Instrument which is valid before April 1, 2019 and the Accreditation Instrument of the Study Program 4.0 which is valid from April 1, 2019.

The party appointed to assess campus accreditation and study programs is the National Accreditation Agency of Higher Education.

It has been mentioned above that campus accreditation checks and proxies can be carried out through the official BAN-PT website. This method applies to private and public campuses.

Here's how to accredit private and public campuses that each prospective student needs to know before choosing a university:

This is information on how to check the accreditation of private and public campuses. As for how to check the accreditation of the study program at private and public campuses, are as follows:

Just so you know, each status and rating is accredited and updated before the expiration date. Therefore, check campus accreditation and study programs regularly.

Don't forget to record an accreditation decree number, SK, region, expiration date, and expiration status.

Accreditation status is the result of an accreditation assessment conducted by BAN-PT which was determined before January 28, 2020. This status is divided into two types, namely accredited and unaccredited.

Meanwhile, the accreditation rating is the result of an accreditation carried out by BAN-PT. The accreditation rating consists of:

That's how to check campus accreditation and study programs. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.