Visiting Kampung In Sleman Where It Was Raised, Anies Talks About Change Is Hope

Presidential candidate (candidate) number 1, Anies Baswedan said change was a hope. This was conveyed by Anies when he visited the village where he was raised, namely Grompol Village, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Sunday, December 31. In front of the villagers, he received a new mandate as a presidential candidate. In campaign activities every day, he admitted to shaking hands with thousands of people. "The position is now the weakest and unbeaten.

For this reason, he asked for prayers and blessings from the residents of Grompol Village to be able to complete the mandate and bring the idea of change. "We are children who used to play kites here, now we have the mandate, please pray. We continue to travel," he said.

Sementara itu, Anies mengatakan bahwa kampung halamannya itu merupakan lingkungan yang ideal untuk bisa bertumbuh.

According to him, the environment that has closeness between its citizens is reflected today. He said, the village environment has an intellectually healthy environmental ecosystem. Not far from the village, in the past there was a mosque that became a gathering place for student activists. "I learned mentoring from students. This time of growth in Karangwuni is the ecosystem of growth," he said.