LPEI Collaborates With Asei Insurance To Increase Indonesia's Export Growth

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) and PT Asuransi Export Indonesia (Persero) strengthen strategic cooperation to encourage national export growth through the provision of Co-insurance marine cargo facilities.

The collaboration between LPEI and Asuransi Asei is an effort to strengthen the export ecosystem and clear evidence of their commitment to provide support to business actors to increase competitiveness and penetration of the export market.

This strategic cooperation was stated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on the Distribution of Business Activities and Co-insurance Marine Cargo Cooperation Agreement between LPEI and Asei Insurance which was carried out today.

The collaboration between LPEI and Asuransi Asei is a clear example of synergy between government entities. LPEI as a special mission vehicle (SMV) under the Indonesian Ministry of Finance collaborates with Asuransi Asei, a subsidiary of PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) under the supervision of the Ministry of SOEs.

LPEI's Managing Director for Business Development, Maqin U. Norhadi explained that support for exporters through the Co-insurance Marine Cargo facility will encourage business actors not to be afraid to export.

"So that it can have a positive impact on the Indonesian economy through contributions in foreign exchange receipts, tax revenues, and providing multiplier effects for the domestic industry", he explained in his official statement quoted on Sunday, December 31.

Asei's President Director, Achmad Sudiyar Dalimunthe, said that this joint collaboration is expected to combine the capacity we have to encourage national exports.

"Thank you to LPEI for supporting Asei Insurance. Hopefully this is a good start to strengthen our cooperation so that we can play a role in advancing Indonesia's exports," he explained.

As a government agent to develop exports, Achmad said that Asei Indonesia's insurance continues to strive to create an integrated export ecosystem and involves various institutions/ministerial parties with the aim of creating synergies that provide security and comfort for export actors, ranging from preparation to transactions abroad, by utilizing export insurance mechanisms.

Meanwhile, Achmad hopes that Indonesia's exports can develop more rapidly, reduce doubt, and increase exporter confidence in international trade transactions.

This synergy is one way for countries to come to protect exporters of Indonesia. As of November 30, 2023, export insurance solutions provided by LPEI reached IDR 11 trillion through Trade Credit Insurance (TCI) and Marine Cargo Insurance (MCO) facilities.

Maqin conveyed that LPEI is committed to continuing to collaborate with the export ecosystem to provide competitiveness to Indonesian exporters. Through these steps, LPEI hopes to continue to support the growth and development of business actors, while increasing the acceptance of foreign exchange.