Rayen Pono Reveals Vina Panduwinata Was A Victim Of Fictitious Work Fraud

JAKARTA - Bad luck befell singer Rayen Pono who was a victim of a fictitious job fraud by an individual who claimed to be the Ministry of PUPR who pretended to offer him a singing job.

"Initially, this was actually a job offer, for me to perform on December 27 at the Ministry of PUPR, a welcome event if I'm not mistaken, there is one of the deputies. Now, this fraudster claims to be from the PUPR Ministry's in house, offering a job," said Rayen at Polda Metro Jaya, Friday, December 29.

However, the moment of fraud occurred when this person claiming to be from the PUPR asked to return the money that had been transferred on the grounds of excess money. Without further checking, Rayen sent Rp 19 million in cash with evidence of fake transfers from fraudsters.

"At that time, my manager was outside the office, coincidentally, our office finance person was abroad, on leave. So when the proof of fake transfer was sent, my manager didn't have time to cross-check it," explained Rayen

"After being transferred, I began to suspect, it turned out that the order was fictitious. So without a cross-check, the manager sent the excess, which was around Rp. 19.7 million, the mode was there, the loss was," said Rayen Pono's attorney, Patricho.

Rayen admitted that this incident was not a new mode felt by fellow celebrities, when uploading this fraud story on his social media, he received the same report regarding this fraudulent mode.

"After I told this on my social media, it turned out that there were a lot of DM responses from friends who experienced the same thing. The same case, the same narrative, there were even some of the same account numbers and the phone numbers of the same person," he said.

Even legendary singer Vina Panduwinata, who is familiarly called Mama Ina, has also been a victim of fraud with the same mode. Rayen said that Mama Ina felt losses of up to hundreds of millions.

"I just got another update from the news, the manager of Ina's mother, Vina Panduwinata, was deceived by Rp 50 million times 3, with the same case, with the same mode, so I don't know different people or others," he concluded.