Steps To Anticipate Panic Buying Ahead Of The Month Of Ramadan

JAKARTA - Various ways have been done by the community to anticipate the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19. Not a few of them have flocked to hoard various basic necessities.

This kind of incident is often used by certain individuals to seek great benefits from the panic buying phenomenon that occurs in society. This momentum is also close to the implementation of the month of Ramadan, at the end of April.

The government is also expected to participate in maintaining the availability of goods and prices in the market. So that there is no increase in the price of basic necessities that is burdensome for the community.

"The government can coordinate and issue a presidential instruction to deal with this phenomenon (panic buying). For example, asking the Ministry of Trade to handle the increase in prices for basic necessities," Public Policy Observer Trubus Rahariansyah told VOI, Friday, March 6.

Trubus added, it is important for government agencies and the National Police to work together and oversee the distribution of basic necessities to the community. As well as providing education to the public to anticipate the phenomenon of panic buying and stockpiling of goods, due to the corona virus.

The National Police was also asked to take firm action against the perpetrators, who deliberately hoarded staple goods and played with prices in the market.

"Indeed, there must be strict supervision and action as a warning to the perpetrators of hoarding," said Trubus.

Contacted separately, Karo Penmas DivHumas Polri Brigadier General Argo Yuwono said the Food Task Force had gone directly to the field to ensure the availability of basic commodities. Polri guarantees that the stock availability of staple goods is still sufficient and there are no problems.

"Yesterday we checked the field to confirm the reality in the field. The police will continue to assist the government to ensure the availability of basic commodities," said Argo.

Apart from that, it was also said that the party always took preventive steps to the perpetrators of buying and selling or traders not to hoard staple goods.

"We have taken preventive steps to prevent this," said Argo.