A Total Of 36 Died In Agam Due To Natural Disasters During 2023

LUBUK BASUNG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra, recorded 36 deaths from 241 natural disasters that hit the area during 2023. "The natural disaster was in the form of landslides, floods, eruptions of Mount Marapi, fallen trees, strong winds and others," said Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Agam Ichwan Pratama Danda in Lubuk Basung, Saturday, December 30. He said that to 36 people died as a result of being swept away in the river as many as four people, drowning in Lake Maninjau three people. After that, one person was struck by lightning, five people were buried by landslides and affected by the eruption of Mount Marapi 24 people. "As many as 24 people were affected by the eruption were climbers who came from West Sumatra, Riau, North Sumatra and Jambi," he said. He added, 241 natural disasters occurred during 2023 spread across 15 of 16 sub-districts in Agam. The 15 sub-districts were Palembayan District 23 events, Malalak 10 incidents, Ampek Angkek one incident. After that, Tilatang Kamang District had six incidents, Matua 12 incidents, Lubuk Basung 45 incidents, Tanjung Mutiara 23 incidents, Canduang four incidents. Meanwhile in Sungai Pua District three incidents, Palupuh 28 incidents, Baso seven incidents, Ampek Nagari 16 incidents, Tanjung Raya 37 events, Ampek Koto 24 events and Banuhampu two incidents. Kamang Magek sub-district there were no incidents during 2023. A joint team was deployed to clean up fallen tree material, landslide soil material and evacuate victims," he said. He appealed to residents to remain vigilant during the rainfall quite high, so as not to become victims.*