Soetta Customs Thwarts Smuggling Of 445 Thousand Grams Of Narcotics To Indonesia

TANGERANG - The Customs and Excise Main Service Office of the Customs Type Customs (KPUBC TMP) C at Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Soetta) has thwarted an attempt to smuggle 445 thousand grams of narcotics and psychotropic substances through Soetta International Airport.

Head of the Soekarno-Hatta Customs Office, Gatot Sugeng Wibowo, in Tangerang, Saturday, said that of the 445 thousand grams of narcotics of various types that were successfully prevented by his party, it was the result of prosecution of 141 smuggling cases and their network.

"Throughout 2023, Soekarno-Hatta Customs and Excise succeeded in thwarting 141 narcotics smuggling attempts with various modes through joint operations with other law enforcement officers," he told reporters, Saturday, December 30.

He revealed that from these prosecution efforts, 83 suspects were successfully linked with total evidence of narcotics and psychotropic substances of various types, such as 135 thousand methamphetamine (shabu), 3,300 grams of cocaine, 1,000 grams of heroin, 64 thousand grams of marijuana, 400 thousand ecstasy, and 1,600 grams of psychotropic goal IV.

"For this action, there was an increase in cases of narcotics smuggling by 36 cases in 2023 compared to 2022 and 2021," he explained.

According to him, this increase is in line with the increasing volume of goods traffic and is supported by the effectiveness of supervision and synergy with other law enforcement officers.

"With the success of this action, it cannot be separated from the participation of other law enforcement officers in joint operations. In 2023, 77 joint operations have been carried out with the NPP and BNN," he said.

Meanwhile, for their actions, the perpetrators were handed over to the relevant agencies for further investigation and investigation. The perpetrators were charged with Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death penalty or life imprisonment.

"The public is advised to participate in efforts to prevent narcotics abuse by not taking illegal drugs and reporting to relevant agencies if there is drug abuse in their environment, so that the circulation of narcotics can be stopped until the end user circle. We hope that in 2024 Indonesia can be free from drugs," he said.