Hasto: The Sakti Ganjar-Mahfud ID Card Program Is Welcomed By Community Enthusiasm

JAKARTA - Secretary of the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud, Hasto Kristiyanto, claimed that the number three pair program was greeted enthusiastically by the community.

He said this was known after the socialization continued, including when explaining the Sakti KTP program.

"KTP Sakti was greeted enthusiastically by the Indonesian people," said Hasto in a written statement, Saturday, December 30, 2023.

Hasto revealed that many think that the program is proof of the partiality of the Ganjar-Mahfud pair with the people. You see, the integration of one data can make it easier for people to access assistance from the Government.

"With the Sakti ID card, all cards in favor of the people are integrated. Its function is to accelerate poverty reduction and improve the quality of public services so that social assistance, BLT, Smart Indonesia Cards, Healthy Indonesia Cards, and others are more targeted," he said.

Furthermore, Hasto said that TPN Ganjar-Mahfud will continue to socialize the Sakti KTP program. In fact, they simultaneously move at the end of the year like now.

While explaining this program, continued Hasto, TPN Ganjar-Mahfud also distributed eggs cooked with pindang.

This step is in accordance with the stunting reduction program because this food has many nutrients needed for pregnant and lactating women and children.

Telur dibeli dari pedagang UMKM. Jadi, aspek populist kuat, ungkap Sekjen PDIP itu.

In addition to the winning team, Hasto said that the party supporting the presidential-vice presidential candidate pair number three also continued to move, including the PDIP. They blusukan as has been done by Ganjar-Mahfud.

"The PDI-P mobilizes the party structure, regional heads, and deputy regional heads, as well as all legislative candidates to move massively by mutual cooperation," he said.

"The blusukan activity of distributing three eggs was also attended by volunteers along with the PDI-P, PPP, Perindo, and Hanura," concluded Hasto.