KSP Indosurya Members Criticize Provocation To Disturb Fund Disbursement

JAKARTA - Members of KSP Indosurya are confident that their refund will run smoothly as promised by the cooperative. They also believe that the management is firmly committed to carrying out the peace agreement in the homologation that was established by the Central Jakarta District Court some time ago.

However, they are also annoyed by those who try to disrupt the peace / homologation agreement by means of demonstrations and generating negative opinion. They considered, these efforts negated the court's decision, and also clearly disturbed the smooth running of the refund.

One member, Novia, who has been a member for several years, said that the Indosurya KSP had carried out its commitment to return the funds. So far, he said, the refund process has also been running smoothly.

"I happened to be over Rp. 500 million, then I will exchange the bill and then search. My friend who is under Rp. 500 million has started disbursing," he said, Friday, February 19.

Novia continued, so far the KSP Indosurya has also been very helpful in the smooth running of fundraising. KSP Indosurya, said Novia, always provided information and communicated well.

"If it is disbursed, it is for daily needs," he said.

Regarding those who tried to interfere with the peace process, Novia was annoyed. According to him, these demonstrations could hamper the performance of KSP Indosurya employees in processing customer refunds.

"Stop the provocations that are so annoying. I hope the payment process will run smoothly without any disturbances. So far, the process is smooth, maybe the demonstrators are impatient," he said.

In line with Novia, a member of KSP Indosurya Linda admitted that the cooperative has committed to returning the funds. Linda has been receiving refund installments since September last year.

"They are cooperative in terms of disbursing funds. Money for daily needs," he said.

Linda also regretted that there were parties who tried to disturb the refund. According to him, the demonstration disturbed the work of the KSP Indosurya management.

"It is very clear that these things are very disturbing to the performance of the management who want to work optimally to serve members, in which the number of administrators is very limited," he said.

He also asked those who tried to interfere to learn to respect and comply with the court's results, who had made wise decisions.

"These provocations also greatly disrupt the smooth running of the installment settlement process. I hope there are no more individuals trying to take advantage unilaterally with other provocations. I also hope that KSP can regain everyone's trust," he said.

Another KSP member, Stevani, said the process of returning the funds was hammered in the court. The majority of the KSP members agreed with the peace and there was good intention from the cooperative to return the funds. He believes, the KSP management will continue to carry out the agreement well.

"We also have a group, continue to monitor where it goes, then I can also report that those outside the region have also received it. So I'm sure we can get our money back," he said.

On another occasion, the attorney for KSP Indosurya Hendra Widjaya said that the case of cassation filed by the members objecting to homologation had been rejected by the Supreme Court. Hendra revealed that he had received the verdict on January 27, 2021.

A letter from the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court has delivered notification and submission and a copy of the Supreme Court decision No. 1348A / pdt.sus-bankrupt / 2020 jo. No. 66 / pdt.sus-pkpu / 2020 / Pn.niaga.jkt.pst.

"The Supreme Court has rejected the appeal for cassation due to a number of considerations," he said.

Because of the court ruling, KSP Indosurya remains committed to carrying out its obligations. "In accordance with the homologation decision," said Hendra.

In addition, one of the considerations in this case was based on the decision to ratify the peace of the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court. In this case it is not against the law or statute.