The Involvement Of Menpora In The Football Competition Is Not An Intervention But An Assistance

JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali emphasized that government support for PSSI regarding the permit for pre-season tournament crowds from the National Police is not a form of intervention but according to Law Number 3 of 2005 concerning the National Sports System.

"The involvement of the government, especially me as Menpora, in relation to competitions or championships has become our responsibility which is regulated in law," said Zainudin at the Pre-season Tournament Handover ceremony to PSSI at the Kemenpora Building, Jakarta, Friday reported by Antara.

The Menpora said that his involvement in obtaining permits for the pre-season soccer tournament did not conflict with his duties as a state official in charge of sports.

Not only PSSI, Kemenpora is also open to other sports that require assistance from the government.

"We must not allow sports to be in trouble. Moreover, we are currently in a pandemic state of COVID-19, so we need closer cooperation, mutual cooperation, with all stakeholders, especially how to keep sports activities," said the Menpora.

Menpora Zainudin Amali is actively involved in helping PSSI and the operator of PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) in an effort to get crowd permits for soccer activities from the Police.

Zainudin also communicated with President Joko Widodo and National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit regarding this matter.

The collaboration between PSSI, LIB and Kemenpora then resulted in a permit for the pre-season tournament entitled Menpora Cup 2021. This competition will take place on March 20-April 25 2021.

"The permit is the result of joint efforts. If, for example, the sports committee does not move, we will not want to help. So I am grateful to have the full support of PSSI and LIB who communicate with us and provide input every time," said the Menpora.

He also emphasized that neither party had the most prominent role in the issuance of a crowd permit from the Police.

"This is not just about Menpora, PSSI or LIB, but everything. With this permit, I ask the club, supporters and all parties to maintain the trust of the permit giver. We must do this together and be responsible," said Zainudin.

The 2021 Menpora Cup pre-season tournament will be followed by 20 teams, namely 18 League 1 clubs and two teams from Liga 2.

The competition will go through the group stage. The organizer determines that there are four groups, where one group contains five teams. Each group will then run all matches in the designated area.

There are four regions that will host the group stage, namely Solo, Bandung, Sleman and Malang. However, other places have also been prepared as alternatives, namely Solo, Bandung, Malang and Palembang.

In accordance with the agreement of the National Police, Kemenpora, PSSI and LIB, the 2021 Menpora Cup must be held with a strict health protocol for preventing COVID-19.

The presence of spectators at the stadium is also not allowed, there is no watching together (Nobar) and the crowd of supporters outside the field.