IKN City Management Needs Super Computer Technology

JAKARTA - Supercomputer technology is important in managing various aspects of a large and intelligent city such as IKN. For example, high performance computing (HPC).

Deputy for Green Transformation and Digital OIKN Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi said this was important because urban data needed to be taken and processed.

"For example, 75 percent of the IKN area is forest, so this requires processing and processing data on various types of trees and plants, then how many sensors will be placed in the IKN area so that data processing and processing are fast, short and accurate. The technology that can do this is supercomputer technology such as HPC," he said quoting Antara.

Ali said that the supercomputer technology will be built by OIKN for processing and processing a lot of data, which using HPC technology can be done in a matter of hours.

With computer technology having high specifications that will be used for data processing from various technology devices, sensors that are large in IKN both in the forest and city areas, a supercomputer is needed to be able to identify and analyze high data traffic from urban services in IKN, including later related to city modeling in disaster mitigation.

"Then why is OIKN encouraging the provision of HPC technology, the goal is to collaborate with the private sector and universities, how will we be able to build super computers like HPC together," said Ali.

Based on the Blue Print of the Archipelago Smart City published by OIKN, HPC is a high-specification computer technology for massive data processing very quickly, often used for research and analysis of complex data.

The use of HPC can be combined with edge computing, which processes data close to the source (such as on a cell phone or a local sensor) to produce increased efficiency.

Edge computing reduces network delays and burdens by processing data locally. HPC and edge computing generate faster and more efficient systems, useful for applications that require rapid responses, such as in smart cities, factories, and health services," he said.

IKN development in Indonesia utilizes a combination of HPC and edge computing. HPC provides great computing power that is important to manage various aspects of large and complex cities such as IKN.

Meanwhile, edge computing allows data processing in locations closer to the source, such as environmental sensors or security cameras, thereby accelerating responses and reducing burdens on the central network.

In the context of IKN, the use of HPC and edge computing can produce city infrastructure more responsive and efficient, supporting the needs of residents instantly or in real-time, both in terms of city services, traffic management, and disaster response.