TKN Prabowo Responds To Gus Miftah's Viral Video Sharing Money: What's Wrong With Alms?

JAKARTA - Secretary of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), Nusron Wahid, responded to the circulation of viral videos of famous preachers, Miftah Maulana Habiburrahman or Gus Miftah who distributed money to the public and were suspected of doing money politics or money politics.

According to Nusron, there is nothing wrong with Gus Miftah's money-sharing action. Because, said Nusron, Gus Miftah was not part of the Prabowo-Gibran and other Paslon timses.

"That is his personal rights and activities. He is not a legislative candidate, not a member of a political party, not a member of a political party, not a volunteer, a campaign team, nor a member of the national campaign team and the Prabowo-Gibran regional campaign team," Nusron told reporters, Friday, December 29.

Therefore, continued Nusron, no rules were violated by Gus Miftah. He considered that there was nothing wrong if someone wanted to give alms by distributing money to the community.

"So the person concerned is an ordinary citizen. So that it is not bound by the Election Law. The person concerned is also not a civil servant, nor is it a BUMN employee, nor is it a BUMD employee. Then what is the article and what is the problem? There are free citizens who have a lot of sustenance, "said the Golkar politician.

"If I have a lot of sustenance like Gus Miftah, I want to give alms. Of course, the alms are different from Gus Miftah's way of giving alms," he continued.

The member of the DPR from the Golkar Party actually prayed for Gus Miftah to further launch his sustenance by the creator.

"So I'm happy, Gus Miftah is my friend who wants to distribute money because the sustenance is a lot more. I hope that the sustenance will be added by Allah SWT," said Nusron.

Gus Miftah had previously spoken about the viral video when distributing money to the public. He admitted that he only helped his friend to distribute alms.

"Regarding the viral video, so I am currently visiting Haji Her, a businessman in Pamekasan. Haji Her really likes to distribute alms, then I was asked to share," said Gus Miftah when confirmed, Friday, December 29.

Gus Miftah denied that he was narrated as making money politics. Because he said, the person who gave alms, namely Haji Her, was known to like to share.

"Every day he distributes alms in the market, in rice fields, Islamic boarding schools, and others. So I'm not the one who distributes money, but only distributes alms given by others," said Gus Miftah.