BNN RI Will Strengthen Laboratorys To Test Narcotics New Types From Overseas

JAKARTA - The National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI) noted that as many as 93 new types of narcotics or New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) have entered and circulated in Indonesia.

Head of BNN RI Martinus Hukom said, as many as 93 NPS came from various countries in the world.

"93 New Psychoactive Substances come from Mexico, Myanmar, Iran and Latin America. (Drugs) are mixed and enter Indonesia. It continues to grow, every year and increases," Martinus told reporters, Thursday, December 28.

A total of 93 New Psychoactive Substances have been regulated in the Health Law and are included in the category of narcotics.

"Most of them are from Mexico. Mexico mixes various types of narcotics and types of chemicals that will enter Indonesia," he said.

To eradicate the new mode of international network narcotics, BNN RI also continues to exchange information to find out and take action.

"If we have investigated the laboratory (test), narcotics will be found, we will process it through the applicable law," he said.

Of the 93 types of NPS, 90 of them have been regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 30 and 31 of 2023. In addition, as an effort to anticipate the development of NPS circulation, the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency has strengthened narcotics laboratories in Indonesia.

Based on data compiled by the BNN RI Puslab from all narcotics laboratories in Indonesia, in 2023, 22,183 samples have been tested, of which 21,531 are positive for narcotics, 9 are psychotropic, 5 are precursors, and 638 other samples are negative.