How To Fill In The Car's Radiator Water: It's Easy! Here's The Step

YOGYAKARTA - Do your cars often strike? It could be the answer because your radiators are not performing well or experiencing damage. The presence of a radiator in the car is very meaningful, because it plays a role to protect the temperature of the car engine from being hot. You have to know how to fill the car's own radiator water, you know!

Therefore the radiator needs to be protected and cared for properly. Generally, what is often noticed is radiator water. We need to carry out checks and changes to the water every 20,000 km or easier if the water looks cloudy because it is rarely used, then you need to replace it.

If you are currently checking the car, then also make sure the water in the car radiator is still there. You can make sure that the water condition is full and does not decrease, if it is reduced then you need to add its contents.

To fill in the radiator water, it can be done independently without needing mechanical help. Even though it can be filled yourself, you need to recognize the right step by step, so there are no errors. The steps to fill the car radiator water are the following:

1. Make sure the engine condition of the car is in a cold state

Saat sebelum mengganti atau mengisi air radiator maka Kalian butuh perlu memastikan mesin mobil telah dalam keadaan yang dingin. Karena membuka cap filling radiator dalam posisi yang terhot sangat berisiko sebab dapat melukai tangan kita.

Not only that, if the engine is hot when filling it will make water run for us. The condition of the hot water and the fire on our skin must be very risky. Therefore, it is recommended to replace or fill the water in the morning before use.

2. Check Air Radiator

The next step you need to see the water state in the radiator. The situation that needs to be emphasized is that the volume of water is at the maximum limit of the place or the reservoir tube. If under maximum limit, you need to add water.

It doesn't need to be full so the turnover process can run easily. By justifying the water in this radiator so that you can find out whether it's cloudy or clear.

2. Replace With New Water

You are required to replace the new water even though the water volume is still full. To replace it with a new one, you need to dispose of the old water through the sewer. Make sure you fill it with a funnel, the funnel can more practically enter the water so it doesn't spill.

Because water is scattered, it can stimulate an electrical short circuit in the engine or even carcage the engine. So you must also stay away from this happening with the aim of using the car for a longer life time.

3. Use the Right dose

If in the car You have a reservoir tube, then you just need to fill it up until the maximum limit. Don't fill it too much, because space is needed for circulation.

4. Close Meeting

If it has been filled to the maximum limit, then you need to close the tight again. If it's not tight, then the water can overflow and later it will be closed when the engine is turned on or as long as the car engine is used, slowly closing it will be mentally and make water splash in the car engine.

Such are the steps that must be taken if you want to replace or add water to the radiator. After you replace or refill the water, make sure when you start the engine, don't turn on the air conditioner first. So, the air conditioner must be turned off even though the car engine is running.

You can activate the air conditioner when the radiator fan has rotated. After the fan rotates and the engine temperature is normal then you can turn on the air conditioner.

To be even more stable, you can also check the 'When to Change Car Poolant?' so that the condition of the car is durable and safe.

So after knowing how to fill the car's radiator water, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!