Cars Are More Powered When AC Is Turned Off, Myth Or Fact?

YOGYAKARTA - Passing the uphill road is a challenge for car drivers. While climbing, cars must be driven with greater power. Many drivers believe the car is more powerful when the air conditioner is turned off.

Dealing with incline roads often makes drivers dizzy because they are prone to decline if the car's power is not strong or the torque is weak. To be able to cross the incline without problems, there are drivers who have a habit of turning off car air conditioning. This method is quite unique in addition to taking steps remotely or walking zigzag.

Turning off the car's air conditioner is believed to be able to provide extra power, thus helping the push when the car passes through the incline. So the myth or fact that the car is more powerful when the air conditioner is turned off?

It turns out that the assumption that the car is more powerful when the air conditioner is turned off is not a mere myth. Turning off the air conditioner will indeed affect the car's ability to cross the uphill road. When the air conditioner is not on, the car's power can be bigger or increase.

The condition of the car is more powerful when the air condition is not on due to the power distribution factor in four-wheeled vehicles. When the car air conditioner is on, there will be an allocation of power directed to the compressor.

The air conditioner of the car that is on will affect the power or exit of the car. As a result of the power that is diverted to the compressor, the car engine is divided into two, namely for running the compressor and for running the car.

Cars with dead air conditioning are likened to having more unanimous or not divided energy. With this condition, the car can be stronger driving to cross the uphill road without having to be constrained.

It's like a car so it doesn't have a burden and can run smoothly. In addition, turning off the air conditioner is also useful for reducing the risk of overheating when the car is driven across the uphill road or difficult geographical conditions.

Apart from turning off the air conditioner to make the car more powerful, there are several other tips when passing the incline. Drivers must also have good driving techniques or skills. Drivers must be able to adjust the right acceleration and teeth to maximize engine power.

Here are some tips for driving through the road as it goes up smoothly without a hitch:

The use of the handbrake needs to be noticed when you are going uphill. You need to position your left foot on the coupling pedal, your right leg on the gas pedal, and your left hand holding the handbrake. When the car stops, then pull the handbrake and step on the coupling pedal while maintaining the position of the 1st gear.

When you are about to go, press the lock button on the handbrake and apply the handbrake slowly. You need to step on the gas pedal and take off the coupling slowly. Keep the RPM above 2000. When the car stops again, the handbrake is lifted and the coupling pedal is stepped on.

Pedal brakes are also important to pay attention to when you want to cross an uphill road. When the car stops, you need to step on the coupling pedal using your left foot and press the brake pedal with your right foot.

When the car is running, you need to move your right foot to the gas pedal and keep stepping on until it hits RPM around 2000. Then remove the half-coupling pedal so that the car doesn't walk backwards.

This tip is only applied to cars that have a coupling pedal and the brakes are close together. You need to step on both pedals, brakes and couplings, using your left foot when the car stops. make sure in a 1-tooth position. When the car starts driving, you need to step on the gas pedal until it reaches RPM around 2000. Lift your left foot to remove the coupling pedal and brake simultaneously.

That's a review of the myth or fact that the car is more powerful when the air conditioner is turned off. The air conditioner that is on requires engine power, so that when turned off it can increase the power of the car. Also read the article on the difference between the air conditioner for electric cars and ordinary cars.

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