Photographer Ari Wibisono Shares Viral Mount Gede Pangrango Motret Tricks On Social Media

JAKARTA - The debate over the viral photo of Mount Gede Pangrango has been over. Even so, photographer Ari Wibisono shares a few tips and tricks for photographing Mount Gede Pangrango.
To VOI, Ari explained the process from the beginning to the end of the photo, which went viral on the timeline. Ari said the photo was taken on Wednesday morning February 17 during a photo hunting spot in the Kemayoran area, Jakarta.
"This is the first time that the photo shoot is viral and it's really excited, even though taking the photo is also impromptu," said Ari during a visit to VOI editorial, Thursday, February 18 evening.
As for the equipment he brought when shooting with a Nikon D7100 camera with a Nikon 55-300 lens without a tripod. For approximately 1 hour, he waited for the best moment for a photo with the background of Mount Gede Pangrango.
"Don't just use a tripod, around 6-7 in the morning, so take a portrait photo extending downward while catching your breath to take a few frames of the object," he explained.
After trying many times, finally Ari found the composition of his best camera settings at a shutter speed of 1/300, F / 7.1, ISO 100 with a focal length of 260 mm. As a result, the Bajaj and Microbuses were caught on camera in one frame.
"I started with a shutter speed of 500, the aperture of 16 fell to 7.1, so I got a shutter speed of 300, aperture of 7.1, ISO 100, now I only shoot a lot, there is only one that fits what I want to describe the city of Jakarta," he said.
Before uploading it to social media pages, Ari first processes his shots using Adobe Lightroom editing software. He emphasized that there are no other digital processing or embedded images in the photo edits.
"Because the camera settings are normal, standard and neutral modes are 0. So I did natural editing starting from highlight shadow, contrast and color saturation, I cropped the bottom one level because I wanted to upload it to social media," he explained.