Anies-Cak Imin National Team Spokesperson Officially Detained At The Cipinang Prison, East Jakarta

The East Jakarta District Attorney (Kejari) has officially detained the spokesman for the Anies-Muhaimin national team or Cak Imin (AMIN) Nurindra B. Charismiadji for alleged tax evasion cases.

Acting Head of the Intelligence Section of the East Jakarta Kejari Mahfuddin Cakra Saputra said that Nurindra, who is also a Nasdem Party politician, had been detained at the Cipinang Rutan, East Jakarta.

"Suspect Nurindra B Charismiadji is being held at the Cipinang Detention Center based on the Prosecution Level Order of the Head of the East Jakarta District Attorney Number: PRINT-25 /M.1.13 / Ft.2 / 12/2023 dated December 27, 2023," Mahfuddin said in a statement received by VOI, Thursday, December 28.

In addition, the East Jakarta Kejari also detained another suspect named Ike Andriani at the Pondok Bambu Detention Center, East Jakarta. Ike is being held in a separate case file.

"Both of them were detained for 20 days starting from Wednesday, December 27, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024," he said.

For his actions, the suspects Nurindra B. Charismiadji and Ike Andriani are suspected of violating Article 39 paragraph (1) letter c jo. Article 43 paragraph (1) of Law Nomar: 28 of 2007 concerning the third amendment to Law Number 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures as amended several times and amended lastly by Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

And Article 39 paragraph (1) letter i jo. Article 43 paragraph (1) of Law Number: 28 of 2007 concerning the third amendment to Law Number 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures as amended several times and amended lastly by Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

Article 3 jo. Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.

Article 5 in conjunction with Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 Letang for the prevention and eradication of the crime of money laundering.

Previously, the East Jakarta Prosecutor's Office together with the DKI Jakarta Public Prosecutor's Team had received the delegation of suspects and evidence (Phase II) from the East Jakarta DGT Regional Office investigators related to the investigation of taxation and money laundering cases from the suspect Nurindra B. Charismiadji or Indra Charismiadji, spokesman for the AMIN and Ike Andriani national teams with separate files on Wednesday, December 27.

"In the delegation, the East Jakarta Prosecutor's Office accepted the handover of the suspect's responsibilities and evidence together with the Public Prosecutor's team from the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office in the Special Crimes Division, East Jakarta Kejari," said Acting Head of the Intelligence Section Mahfuddin Cakra Saputra, Wednesday, December 27, evening.

The case in question is that the suspect, Nurindra B. Charismiadji, as the owner or controller of PT LUKI MANDIRI INDONESIA RAYA, together with the suspect Ike Andriani as the manager or controller of PT. LUKI MANDIRI INDONESIA RAYA.

In January 2019 - December 2019 it was suspected of committing Tax Crimes and Money Laundering Crimes by intentionally not submitting a VAT period notification letter or intentionally not depositing VAT that had been collected into the state treasury, causing a loss to state revenue of Rp. 1,103,028,418.00.