Visit The Tomb of her husband, Bunga Citra Lestari Wearing Ashraf Sinclair's Ring On Middle Finger

JAKARTA - A year after Ashraf Sinclair died, Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL), Noah Sinchlair, and her family visited Ashraf's grave in San Diego Hills. Through Instagram, BCL uploaded a touching moment for the two of them during their pilgrimage.

BCL and Noah wear matching clothes and always hold hands when heading to the funeral. BCL embraces Noah in front of his father's tomb. They also sprinkled flowers over Ashraf's tomb.

This woman who is often called Unge also wears two of her wedding rings. Ashraf Sinclair's ring is placed on the middle finger. It seems, it is difficult for Unge to forget her husband.

In the statement column, BCL said that this year was the toughest year, but she and Noah made it through this year well.

"Hey Daddy, its been a year since you're gone .. Today, we just want to tell you that it had not been an easy year for us, but we r okay .. We r coping .. 🙂 So, dont worry about us .. Have a wonderful life there .. We miss u .. ", wrote Bunga in the description column.

"Hi dad, it's been a year since you left. Today we just want to say that this year is not an easy time for us. But we're fine. We understand. So, don't worry about us. Have a nice life there, we miss you".

Before visiting the grave, Bunga Citra Lestari released the song Love Story. This song was popular in 1971 and was popularized by Andy Wullias.

Quoted from the YouTube video broadcast of IT'S ME BCL on Sunday, February 14, Bunga Citra Lestari admitted that she wanted to share the love she felt for Ashraf Sinclair.