Ministry Of Law And Human Rights: 15,922 Prisoners Receive Special Remission For Christmas 2023

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) through the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjen PAS) provides special remissions (RK) for Christmas to 15,922 Protestant and Catholic Christian convicts throughout Indonesia on Christmas Day 2023.

Menkumham Yasonna H. Laoly explained that this reduction in the criminal period is an award for prisoners who are considered to have achieved self-awareness. This is reflected in the attitude and behavior of prisoners in accordance with applicable religious and social norms.

"Congratulations to all the prisoners who have received remissions today, especially for prisoners who are immediately released. I remind you that you can show good behavior in the midst of society," Yasonna said in a press release from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights received in Jakarta, Sunday, December 24.

Of the total 15,922 inmates who received RK Natal, 15,823 of them received RK I or partial reduction, with details of 3,038 inmates receiving 15 days remission; 10,871 inmates received one month remission; 1,404 inmates received one month 15 days remission; and 510 inmates received two months of remission.

Meanwhile, 99 other inmates received RK II or were immediately released, with details of 37 inmates receiving a 15-day reduced sentence; 53 people received one month remission; four inmates received one month and 15 days remission; and five inmates received two months remission.

This year, the most inmates received RK Natal from the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra as many as 3,166 people, Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights East Nusa Tenggara as many as 1,896 people, and Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Papua as many as 1,434 people.

Furthermore, the Director General (Dirjen) of PAS Reynhard Silitonga said that remissions were given to prisoners who had met administrative and substantive requirements, such as having served a minimum sentence of six months, were not registered with register F, and actively participated in coaching programs in correctional institutions.

"Remissions are given as a form of state involvement to appreciate and give recognition to prisoners who show integrity, behave positively, and stay away from violations. The goal is that remissions can encourage prisoners to gain personal awareness as seen from their daily actions and attitudes," said Reynhard.

His party noted that the provision of RK Natal Year 2023 managed to save the inmates' food budget of Rp. 7,955,235,000, each Rp. 7,913,160 from RK I and Rp. 42,075,000 from RK II.