Government Encourages Optimism Of Inclusive And Sustainable National Economic Growth

JAKARTA - Involving leaders in related Ministries/Institutions, academics, business actors, and the public, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs held the National Outlook Seminar for the Indonesian Economy in Jakarta on Friday 22 December.

Meanwhile, the involvement of stakeholders aims to accommodate issues and input so as to create policy synergies in the context of mitigating global economic turmoil and strengthening domestic economic resilience.

The series of national seminars consisted of 2 High Level Panel sessions, where Session 1 presented four panelists who discussed the theme Policy Strategy to Encourage Sustainable Economic Growth.

In this session, Minister of Energy Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif explained the energy transition aspect where the policy strategy towards sustainable energy is carried out by developing supporting industries, building energy infrastructure, and preparing energy that is easy and affordable that can attract investment.

Meanwhile, in the discussion of the High Level Panel 2 session with the theme "Fiscal Policy Synergy, Monetary, and Financial Sector to Encourage Economic Growth" with panelists from the Minister of Finance, Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority, and Senior Economist Chatib Basri.

From the fiscal policy aspect, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani explained that in the midst of the global economic dynamics that occurred, fiscal policy in 2024 was designed to maintain domestic demand by maintaining public consumption and encouraging investment.

"The policy of encouraging investment through providing fiscal incentives aims to strengthen Indonesia's economic fundamentals," he explained.

Sri Mulyani said that the current fiscal condition is relatively good as seen from the 2023 tax revenues, growing 7.0 percent (yoy) in the midst of global dynamics.