It's Not Enough Just Resolution To Expand Access To Humanity In Gaza, UN DK Is Considered To Have Failed

JAKARTA - The UN Security Council's resolution, which demands the expansion of humanitarian access to deliver more aid to Gaza, is considered insufficient. This was stated by the Head of Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP) Melanie Ward on Friday, December 22.

As for Ward welcomed the resolution, but he views the magnitude of the humanitarian disaster in Gaza requires a greater response than this.

The CEO of the British-based charity said that 20,000 Palestinians were killed, and only a quarter of hospitals were functioning. However, according to him, the world continues to "disappoint Gazans in their darkest time."

Ward added the resolution would not stop the "disaster".

According to him, the UN DK failed to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, even though the ceasefire was a step that could protect civilian life in a sustainable manner and allow aid to be distributed to all in need.

After tough negotiations and postponed several times, the resolution submitted by the United Arab Emirates was passed after being supported by 13 countries, 0 rejecting, while the United States and Russia, both permanent members of the UN DK, chose abstain.

The resolution requires all parties to take "expressive measures" to open wider, secure, and unobstructed humanitarian access to Gaza.

As reported by ANTARA, Saturday, December 22, Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip have killed at least 20,057 Palestinians and 53,320 others injured.

Israel's blind attacks also caused major damage to the infrastructure in the enclave, and caused an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, according to the international community and Palestine.